Name: Randy1215
Gamer tag: Randy1215
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Age: 23
What game(s) are you here for (OFP 2/ARMA 2/Both): Both
Why do you want to join: I am so sick of military games being played like gangland shootouts. and playing tactically is not only fun but usually dominates the battlefield. now unlike most of your applicants I have no military experience but I am huge on tactical game play and a historical fanatic. I get along with pretty much everyone online and I love how this clan has its own ranking system and chain of command. so I hope I can be accepted in this clan.
Will you be active on the chatroom: Sure am new with forums and not sure how to use them but if you send me a message on Xbox live I will respond promptly or even to a party invite.
How did you hear about us: Google
Will you be active on the forums: Yeah
Please follow the rules and respect all members in this clan. Do not use inappropriate language for no reason on the forums. Remember that I have the all mighty power to ban you in this clan if I have to. This clan is all about teamwork, tactics, and organization.
If you agree, please sign you're username here:
Gamer tag: Randy1215
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Age: 23
What game(s) are you here for (OFP 2/ARMA 2/Both): Both
Why do you want to join: I am so sick of military games being played like gangland shootouts. and playing tactically is not only fun but usually dominates the battlefield. now unlike most of your applicants I have no military experience but I am huge on tactical game play and a historical fanatic. I get along with pretty much everyone online and I love how this clan has its own ranking system and chain of command. so I hope I can be accepted in this clan.
Will you be active on the chatroom: Sure am new with forums and not sure how to use them but if you send me a message on Xbox live I will respond promptly or even to a party invite.
How did you hear about us: Google
Will you be active on the forums: Yeah
Please follow the rules and respect all members in this clan. Do not use inappropriate language for no reason on the forums. Remember that I have the all mighty power to ban you in this clan if I have to. This clan is all about teamwork, tactics, and organization.
If you agree, please sign you're username here: