Gamer tag: Vacancy21
What game(s) are you here for (OFP 2/ARMA 2/Both): OFP2 and ARMA2
Why do you want to join: I want to join your clan to play the game it was initially developed for. To play as a tactical team using communication. Also to crush the opposing team
Will you be active on the chatroom: yup
How did you hear about us: gamefaq.com
Will you be active on the forums:sure
Gamer tag: Vacancy21
What game(s) are you here for (OFP 2/ARMA 2/Both): OFP2 and ARMA2
Why do you want to join: I want to join your clan to play the game it was initially developed for. To play as a tactical team using communication. Also to crush the opposing team
Will you be active on the chatroom: yup
How did you hear about us: gamefaq.com
Will you be active on the forums:sure