Name: Alex Hivento
Gamer tag: Hivento
Timezone: gmt -6? Usa, Iowa
Age: 16
What game(s) are you here for (OFP 2/ARMA 2/Both): OFP 2|ArmA 2
Why do you want to join:I want teamwork!
Will you be active on the chatroom: If there are some bitches on
How did you hear about us: GFAQ
Will you be active on the forums:If its not that retarded, idk the community yet.
Please follow the rules and respect all members in this clan. Do not use inappropriate language for no reason on the forums. Remember that I have the all mighty power to ban you in this clan if I have to. This clan is all about teamwork, tactics, and organization.
If you agree, please sign you're username here: a.hivento
Name: Alex Hivento
Gamer tag: Hivento
Timezone: gmt -6? Usa, Iowa
Age: 16
What game(s) are you here for (OFP 2/ARMA 2/Both): OFP 2|ArmA 2
Why do you want to join:I want teamwork!
Will you be active on the chatroom: If there are some bitches on
How did you hear about us: GFAQ
Will you be active on the forums:If its not that retarded, idk the community yet.
Please follow the rules and respect all members in this clan. Do not use inappropriate language for no reason on the forums. Remember that I have the all mighty power to ban you in this clan if I have to. This clan is all about teamwork, tactics, and organization.
If you agree, please sign you're username here: a.hivento